Simply put, spirulina is an algae. And it’s one of the most nutrient-densed and plant-based sources of protein on the planet. Simpliigood is the team delivering spirulina to your door, in it’s most natural form. Our spirulina is 100% raw, fresh, and frozen in an entirely new way – making it the most powerful spirulina product available on the market.
Spirulina nutrition facts:

Complete protein
74% of simpliigood spirulina is made of raw protein thatdelivers 18 of the 20 amino acids needed for almostevery function of the body. Calorie for calorie, it contains3x more protein than meat, and it’s entirely plant-based.
Antioxidants help repair and prevent cellular damage,which contributes to treating many illnesses and diseases. One simpliigood serving has x8 more antioxidants than a serving of blueberries and x25 more beta-carotene than carrots.

Your daily diet
Simpliigood spirulina is a powerful addition to any diet. With a 95% absorption rate, the protein and iron-rich food increases performance levels for endurance athletes, while it’s high levels of amino acids and antioxidants improves recovery times.
In addition to providing that competitive edge for fitness fiends, simpliigood spirulina serves as a complete nutrient add-in for the entire family. Chock-full of vitamins and minerals, it truly benefits anyone who takes it.
Vitamins & minerals
A single simpliigood spirulina cube contains every vitamin in the b group, 24x more vitamin e than strawberries, 10x more calcium than milk, 3x more iron than spinach and 4x more potassium than bananas.
Simpliigood combats anemia. It’s so rich in b-12 and other vitamins, that it helps in lowering blood pressure. It’s amino acids build up the immune system, improving resistance to viral infections – even the flu – sleep disorders, muscle fatigue, inflammation… the list goes on.